Honor a mother with a donation!

Support a homeless mom by honoring a mother!

Honor a mother with a donation! image



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Support a homeless mom by honoring a mother!

Honor a mother this Mother's Day

Now more than ever, families right here in our community are experiencing homelessness. Shelter From The Storm Ministries, Inc. (SFTSM) is a 501 (c)3 non-profit ministry incorporated in Wisconsin to address the problem of homelessness for single moms and their children in the Sun Prairie area.

Our team bring healing and independence to our families through shelter, mentoring, encouragement and life-improving programs. SFTSM was started to help homeless children and we continue today having helped 51 families and 168 children and moms out of homelessness in the past 4 1/2 years. Please join us in making a donation in honor of your mother or just anonymously.

Thank you for supporting our children and moms. Each mother honored will receive a Happy Mother's Day email and their name will be listed on our website for Mother's Day.